Older parking lots have years of repairs and overlays. When this is the case a resurfacing is not an option because the original grades have been lost. Adding another layer of asphalt will cause the loss of sidewalk and curb reveal leading to trip hazards and poor water drainage. Doing a complete removal and replacement of these thick pavements can be very costly and time consuming. Cold Milling asphalt or concrete is a fast and economical option on larger parking lots and roads that have multiple overlays.
Milling and Resurfacing:
Using a milling machine mill off 2-3 in. of damaged asphalt, remove from site. Remove soft and failed areas. Repair the base. Rebuild catch basin structures and adjust heights to meet new layer of asphalt. Clean the surface and remove debris. Apply a bond coat of SS—1H asphalt emulsion for proper adhesion of the new pavement. Install 2-3 in. of wearing course asphalt and roll to compact with a 5 ton roller.